Open Access

Open Access


Open access refers to the non-discriminatory and open availability of the electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure to different power producers and consumers. It allows consumers and industries to procure electricity directly from renewable energy generators, even if they are not located within the same distribution area.

Open Access Img

Renewable Energy Open Access Policy: India has implemented various policies and regulations to promote open access for renewable energy.


Third-Party Sale: Open access allows third-party sale of renewable energy.


Captive Power Plants: Open access also enables captive power plants (CPPs) to procure renewable energy directly from generators.


Cross-Subsidy Surcharge (CSS): In some states, open access transactions attract cross-subsidy surcharges.


Regulatory Approvals: Open access transactions, especially for high capacity consumers, require approval from state electricity regulatory commissions.


Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Renewable Energy Certificates are tradable instruments that represent one megawatt-hour of electricity generated from renewable sources.

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